690 Results
Fall of the Cabal

Institute for Histor…
The Institute for Historical Review (IHR) is a Holocaust denial organization founded by American white supremacist and antisemitic propagandist Willis Carto in 1978. IHR broke with Carto in 1993; Mark Weber has led the group since 1995. Presenting itself... Read more

Florida Nationalists
The Florida Nationalists are a small neo-Nazi crew active in south Florida, where they distribute propaganda and stage small demonstrations. Established in early 2022, the Florida Nationalists distribute propaganda with white supremacist and antisemitic messages, as well... Read more

Inconvenient History…
Inconvenient History is a quarterly journal published by the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH). Launched in 2009, Inconvenient History presents pseudo-academic articles about the Holocaust and World War II more broadly. These articles frequently... Read more

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the former president of Iran, who served from 2005 to 2013. He is notorious for his extreme language, including calling for Israel to be “wiped from the map,” and his promotion of Holocaust denial. Ahmadinejad... Read more

National Socialist F…
Founded in 2022, National Socialist Front (NSF), formerly known as NatSoc Florida, is a small, neo-Nazi group primarily based in northeast Florida. After rebranding as a national group in late 2023, NSF formed a new chapter on... Read more

John Fitzgerald
John Fitzgerald, a candidate in 2018 for California’s East Bay House seat, is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and Holocaust denier. While running, he appeared on a radio show hosted by antisemite Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and claimed the... Read more

Michael Santomauro
Michael Santomauro is a Holocaust denier and antisemite who has worked as the editorial director of Theses and Dissertations Press, which publishes Holocaust denial “literature,” and runs the website RePortersNoteBook.com, where visitors can find links to Holocaust... Read more

David Irving
David Irving is a well-known Holocaust denier whose work has questioned the existence of the Nazi gas chambers and the extent of Hitler’s atrocities during World War II, and who has ties to American neo-Nazi groups. In... Read more