David Icke

David Icke is a popular British conspiracy theorist and author whose books promote a wide range of conspiracy theories. These conspiracy theories include frequent antisemitism, such as claiming that Israel and Zionists planned the 9/11 terrorist attacks, citing the classic antisemitic text “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” and stating that the Jewish Rothschild family is part of a bloodline of reptilian humanoids that secretly control the world. He also alleged that Jews bankrolled Hitler. In 2019, he was blocked from entering Australia for a speaking tour on “character grounds“ after information about his antisemitism and Holocaust denial was presented to the parliament and in 2022, he was barred from entering the Netherlands as well as the EU’s visa-free Schengen area, including 25 additional countries.

In his words:

  • "The same attitude that suppressed the challenge to the manipulation of World War Two, today sees people vilified and jailed for questioning some of the official versions of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. If you do that, no-one [sic] listens to the evidence because this is lost in the tidal wave of vilification and condemnation. If people want to believe that all those who question the official line are Nazis and apologists for the Hitler regime, or anti-Jewish, then they must go ahead and do so. But I'll tell them this. They are kidding themselves, because that isn't true. It simply isn't." - And the Truth Shall Set You Free, chapter 7
David Icke

This database provides an overview of many of the terms and individuals used by or associated with movements and groups that subscribe to and/or promote extremist or hateful ideologies.