Ernst Zundel

Ernst Christof Friedrich Zundel (1939-2017) was a leading Holocaust denier and major distributor of neo-Nazi propaganda. In fact, in 1981 West German investigators named Zundel as one of the biggest suppliers of banned Nazi propaganda seized during hundreds of raids on homes of neo-Nazis in West Germany. He founded an antisemitic publishing company, Samisdat Publishing, responsible for distributing works such as Did 6 Million Really Die? and his own book, The Hitler We Loved and Why. He wrote for two neo-Nazi publications, White Power Report and Liberty Bell. He also served as the inspiration for and key content provider of Zundelsite, a leading online repository of Holocaust denial propaganda since 1995. During an interview with an Israeli journalist in 1996, he described Jews as having a “parasitic nature.”

Zundel moved to the United States from Canada in 2000 after years of legal troubles over his antisemitic and neo-Nazi propaganda distribution but was deported from the United States back to Canada in 2003. In 2005, Canadian authorities deported Zundel back to Germany, where he was born, given his relations with white supremacist organizations. Once in Germany, he was arrested, tried and convicted for Holocaust denial and inciting racial hatred. He was released from prison after serving a five-year sentence.

In his words:

  • “Over the years, the numbers of ‘dead’ in Auschwitz have changed drastically. Hardly anyone can keep the lie straight any more…Pick your favourite number - facts don't matter, truth does not matter, death certificates don't matter to the Holocaust-promoters and -liars! Anti-German propaganda is the only thing that seems to matter in this racket!” – Ernst Zundel, Zundelsite
  • “The final solution that people talk about that the Germans had envisioned was a Europe without Jews through say that Hitler had this idea of the final solution...Why should he be afraid not to have an order to do the most important thing? If that's what the Jews say was the most important thing that he could get rid of the Jews, he should have proudly made the proclamation, framed it, and had it in every German government office. Why did he care for history not to record that he wanted to exterminate the Jews? But there is no such order to this day, all these holocaust hypocrites, to the contrary, not a single funeral order has been found.” - Interview with Israeli Journalist, 1996
  • “The Zionist movement only got its tremendous influence, power in the Jewish community, thanks to the role that they played in collaborating with Adolf Hitler” - Interview with Israeli Journalist, 1996
  • “How many Jews died at Auschwitz? Less than 20,000 in all these satellite camps, including Auschwitz. And they died not of gassing. There was not a single gas chamber in all of national socialist dominated Europe.” - Interview with Israeli Journalist, 1996
Ernst Zundel

This database provides an overview of many of the terms and individuals used by or associated with movements and groups that subscribe to and/or promote extremist or hateful ideologies.