Michael Santomauro
Michael Santomauro is a Holocaust denier and antisemite who has worked as the editorial director of Theses and Dissertations Press, which publishes Holocaust denial “literature,” and runs the website RePortersNoteBook.com, where visitors can find links to Holocaust denial publications and individuals. Castle Hill Publishers, perhaps the most important publisher of Holocaust denial literature in the English language, lists Santomauro as its CEO; another antisemitic publisher, Clemens & Blair, lists him as its treasurer, and uses his Hilton Head Island address in South Carolina as the location to which donors can send checks.
Santomauro attracted controversy in 2003, when he shared Holocaust denial literature on the email list of subscribers to his NYC-based Roommate Finders service; at the time, the New York Times reported that Santomauro described himself as an “amateur Holocaust revisionist,” and New York Sun reported that Santomauro claimed that only 2.3 million Jews were killed during World War II, rather than the approximately six million that historians have documented. In 2011, Santomauro angered fellow parents at his child’s New York City school by recommending the Holocaust denial book “Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides” in an email he sent to the school‘s PTA listserv. He ran for mayor of Hilton Head Island, SC, in 2018 and lost with less than 2% of the vote; he ran again in 2022, finishing with 5% of the vote.
In his words:
- “I don't think the number was 6 million when it came to the Nazi Holocaust. I think it was close to 2 million...It's not a historical event, the Holocaust, it's a religion.” November 17, 2005, Current Issues TV
- “We've been inundated with Holocaust story after the Holocaust story, just to make us feel guilty so that we would excuse the Zionist crimes that are being committed in Israel. And that's what it's all about.” - November 17, 2005, Current Issues TV