John Wear

John Wear, likely a pseudonym, is a Holocaust denier whose articles are frequently featured across antisemitic and Holocaust denial publications and websites, including CODOH, the Inconvenient History Journal, American Free Press and The Barnes Review. Wear has denied the presence of gas chambers and contends that Josef Mengele did not perform lethal experiments on victims at Auschwitz.

In his words:

  • “Through constant repetition in the Jewish-controlled media, the majority of people believe the big lie that Germany built homicidal gas chambers that were used in a genocidal program of mass extermination of the Jews. The truth, however, is that Germany did not have any homicidal gas chambers in its camps during World War II, and did not conduct a program of genocide against Jews. Thus, in my opinion, Jews have repeated the big lie of ‘the Holocaust’ to promote their own sectarian interest.” - May/June 2021 Issue of The Barnes Review
  • “Germany did not conduct a program of genocide against Jews. The widely quoted figure of 6-million Jewish deaths during the war is also a major exaggeration. As documented in this article, the figure of 6-million Jewish deaths originated from Zionist propaganda dating back to at least the year 1900. The figure of 6-million Jewish deaths in the ‘Holocaust’ is an ahistorical invention having no basis in reality.” - Vol 13.1 2021, Inconvenient History Journal

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