Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (HAMAS or Hamas) is an Iran-backed Islamist terror group formed during the First Intifada in 1987. The group is avowed to the destruction of the State of Israel and aims to establish an... Read more
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Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (HAMAS or Hamas) is an Iran-backed Islamist terror group formed during the First Intifada in 1987. The group is avowed to the destruction of the State of Israel and aims to establish an... Read more
Mark Weber is the head of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR). Weber became involved with IHR when the organization published his pamphlet, "The Holocaust: Let's Hear Both Sides" in 1980. He also served as the... Read more
Jim Rizoli is an antisemite, anti-immigrant activist and Holocaust denier. In the early 2000s, he produced a public access television show, broadcast on Massachusetts-based Framingham Public Access station, in which he denied the Holocaust; he has... Read more
Arthur Jones is an Illinois-based neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who has repeatedly and unsuccessfully run for elected office since the 1970s, including for an Illinois House seat in 2018. His campaign website for his House run included... Read more
Burt Colucci is a Florida-based neo-Nazi who took over the leadership of the National Socialist Movement when the group's longtime leader Jeff Schoep left the movement in 2019.
Bradley Smith (1930-2016) founded the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) in 1987. He cites reading Faurrison’s The Problem of the Gas Chambers as his entrée into Holocaust denial in the late 1970s. He was affiliated... Read more
Victor Thorn (1962-2016), the penname for Scott Robert Makufka, was a conspiracy theorist and antisemite. He wrote for American Free Press, an antisemitic, conspiracy-oriented newspaper founded by white supremacist Willis Carto. Additionally, he authored antisemitic... Read more