Jim Rizoli
Jim Rizoli is an antisemite, anti-immigrant activist and Holocaust denier. In the early 2000s, he produced a public access television show, broadcast on Massachusetts-based Framingham Public Access station, in which he denied the Holocaust; he has continued to spread the same falsehoods on his streaming ‘Hoaxbusters’ show. In 2009, during a segment of his public access television show, he recommended to viewers that if they really want to "get their heads on straight about the Holocaust," they should visit two websites, both of which advance Holocaust denial arguments. One of these sites promotes itself as featuring "9 hours of free internet video about how the holocaust is a myth," which Rizoli referred to as "excellent, excellent videos." Across his social media profiles, he constantly shares Holocaust denial content, claiming the Holocaust was a hoax and interviewing other Holocaust deniers. In some videos, he introduces himself as “Holocaust denier extraordinaire and proud of it.”
In his words:
- “You have to have a murder weapon and you got to get the bodies...the holocaust narrative have [sic] neither.” - August 2022 Interview with E. Michael Jones, Rizoli-TV, Bitchute Video
- “I think a lot of the Holocaust survivors, they didn't know nothing anything about what happened during that time period except their own being in a camp, a work camp or whatever. The movies from Hollywood produced about what they wanted everybody to believe what happened here. And then these holocaust survivors, they're watching the movies and they're believing what they're seeing in the movie and they're incorporating it in their life...they can write books and they can be interviewed to go to the schools or whatever, telling their nonsense about the [Holocaust]” - August 2022 Interview with E. Michael Jones, Rizoli-TV, Bitchute Video