Mark Weber

Mark Weber is the head of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR). Weber became involved with IHR when the organization published his pamphlet, "The Holocaust: Let's Hear Both Sides" in 1980. He also served as the editor for IHR’s Journal of Historical Review from 1992-2000. Weber was formerly the news editor of National Vanguard, a publication affiliated with the American neo-Nazi group National Alliance, as well as a writer for Willis Carto’s antisemitic publication The Spotlight. He has called the “Holocaust hoax” a “religion” and described the Holocaust as a “major weapon in the Jewish-Zionist arsenal.”

In his words:

  • “There is no documentary evidence that Adolf Hitler ever gave an order to exterminate the Jews, or that he knew of any extermination program." - quote from his 1980 pamphlet "The Holocaust: Let's Hear Both Sides."
  • “Don't for a minute think that indoctrinating wide-eyed schoolchildren with the lies and slanders against Germans, Slavs, Catholics, Christians, Europeans, and whites in general isn't a primary purpose of the Holocaust-mongers. . . The Holocaust hoax is a religion. Its underpinnings in the realm of historical fact are nonexistent—no Hitler order, no plan, no budget, no gas chambers, no autopsies of gassed victims, no bones, no ashes, no skulls, no nothing.” - IHR Newsletter, May 1989
Mark Weber

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