Victor Thorn

Victor Thorn (1962-2016), the penname for Scott Robert Makufka, was a conspiracy theorist and antisemite. He wrote for American Free Press, an antisemitic, conspiracy-oriented newspaper founded by white supremacist Willis Carto. Additionally, he authored antisemitic books denying the Holocaust and blaming Jews and Israel for the 9/11 terrorist attacks and Kennedy's assassination. In January 2012, he published a book titled The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Greatest Fabrication.

In his words:

  • “They weren't extermination centers. They were work camps....People did die, but they didn't die because they were thrown into ovens or exterminated. They died, most of them during the last few months of the war. And this wasn't only Jews, but this was all the inmates including Germans because the supply lines had been cut at the time and it didn't allow any food or water or medicine or supplies to come in.” - Revolt of the Plebs podcast, July 2012
  • “So I mean they’re just lie after lie and you know, once the first lie is overcome by someone, if they have cognitive dissonance, all the rest are a lot easier because you realize that this never happened the way history books tell us that it happened” - Interview, July 2012
  • “Um shouldn't the jews want what we're saying to be true? Because then they'll say well thank God after all, six million of our people didn't die...they do want them to be dead because that keeps up the victimization, that keeps up the myth” - Interview, July 2012
Victor Thorn

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