Bradley Smith

Bradley Smith (1930-2016) founded the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) in 1987. He cites reading Faurrison’s The Problem of the Gas Chambers as his entrée into Holocaust denial in the late 1970s. He was affiliated with the Institution for Historical Review in the mid-1980's, referred to in IHR publications as their Media Director. From 1987-2001, Smith ran a campaign in which he placed full-page ads in around 350 student newspapers calling on readers to debate the veracity of the Holocaust. While he arrived later in life to his ideological Holocaust denial, he took an absolutist position on the Holocaust, denying every fact about it. He claimed the gas chambers were false, questioned the existence of a “Final Solution” and discounted the number of those murdered in the Holocaust.

In his words:

  • “The Auschwitz lie, or as we refer to it in the 21st century, the German WMD fraud about homicidal gassing chambers, was in turn exploited [by Jews] to morally justify the imposition of a radical Jewish state in the middle of a sea of Arab Muslims.... Revisionist arguments regarding Auschwitz and the gas-chamber fraud are widely written about in the Arab and Muslim press. What this means to those folk is that the moral justification for the Jewish invasion and colonization of Arab land is based on a historic lie. There were no gas chambers. The Jews were not the victims of a genocidal plot. Adolf Hitler was not a Satanic figure (just as Saddam is not), and that the entire Israeli enterprise is based on a mountain of fraud and greed....Three cheers, then, for the Auschwitz fraud.” -Outlaw History newsletter number 18, December 16, 2004
Bradley Smith

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