105 Results
Waheba Issa Dais
Pureblood/Pure Blood
“Pureblood” (or “pure blood”) is a term some anti-vaxxers, QAnon adherents and conspiracy theorists use to refer to themselves and others who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. The term draws upon unfounded beliefs that COVID-19 vaccines... Read more
“Plandemic” is a popular conspiratorial term used by some conspiracy theorists, extremists and anti-vaccine activists to describe their belief that the COVID-19 pandemic was deliberately “planned” and “orchestrated” by global elites and the government as a ruse... Read more

Syringe Swastika
The syringe swastika (sometimes referred to as a “vaccine swastika”) is a symbol used by some anti-vaccine activists to express opposition to vaccine mandates, likening such policies to the oppressive and genocidal policies of Nazi Germany. The... Read more
Black Swan Event
A black swan event refers to an unforeseen event that results in severe and widespread negative consequences that seems avoidable in hindsight. The term is commonly used in the finance world and was popularized by former Wall... Read more