722 Results
Great awakening map
False flag

Florida Nationalists
The Florida Nationalists are a small neo-Nazi crew active in south Florida, where they distribute propaganda and stage small demonstrations. Established in early 2022, the Florida Nationalists distribute propaganda with white supremacist and antisemitic messages, as well... Read more

National Socialist F…
Founded in 2022, National Socialist Front (NSF), formerly known as NatSoc Florida, is a small, neo-Nazi group primarily based in northeast Florida. After rebranding as a national group in late 2023, NSF formed a new chapter on... Read more

Blood Tribe
Blood Tribe is a neo-Nazi group with semi-autonomous chapters in the United States and Canada. Blood Tribe promotes hardline white supremacist views and openly directs its vitriol at Jews, "non-whites" and the LGBTQ+ community. Blood Tribe formed... Read more