Omar Shafik Hammami aka Abu Mansoor al Amriki

Omar Shafik Hammami (1984-2013), aka Abu Mansoor al Amriki, was an American foreign terrorist fighter who traveled to Somalia to join al Shabaab. Hammami was raised as a Christian in Alabama and converted to Islam sometime during high school. In late 2006, he left the U.S. to join al Shabaab, leaving behind his wife and infant daughter. Because of his fluency in English and Arabic, along with his leadership skills, Hammami quickly rose to a high level position within al Shabaab, the highest any American has achieved within the group. He became a prominent propaganda figure, and even released several English-language raps intended to attract a younger American audience to jihad. Hammami was killed in September 2013 in an ambush by al Shabaab due to a dispute with the group's leadership over whether Hamammi's online profile gave him too much influence within al Shabaab.

This database provides an overview of many of the terms and individuals used by or associated with movements and groups that subscribe to and/or promote extremist or hateful ideologies.