72 Results

Pamela Geller

Anti-LGBTQ+ Extremism
Anti-LGBTQ+ extremism is a form of single-issue extremism whose adherents focus on demonizing, attacking or otherwise intentionally targeting individuals, communities or institutions based on their real or perceived identification with or support for a sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression... Read more
Pureblood/Pure Blood
“Pureblood” (or “pure blood”) is a term some anti-vaxxers, QAnon adherents and conspiracy theorists use to refer to themselves and others who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. The term draws upon unfounded beliefs that COVID-19 vaccines... Read more
“Plandemic” is a popular conspiratorial term used by some conspiracy theorists, extremists and anti-vaccine activists to describe their belief that the COVID-19 pandemic was deliberately “planned” and “orchestrated” by global elites and the government as a ruse... Read more

Robert Spencer

Syringe Swastika
The syringe swastika (sometimes referred to as a “vaccine swastika”) is a symbol used by some anti-vaccine activists to express opposition to vaccine mandates, likening such policies to the oppressive and genocidal policies of Nazi Germany. The... Read more