237 Results

"Gender Ideology"
“Gender ideology” (also known as “LGBTQ+ ideology”) is a conspiratorial phrase coined by anti-LGBTQ+ activists and extremists to characterize attempts to achieve LGBTQ+ rights or representation as an extreme ideology or even part of a nefarious left-wing... Read more

"LGBTQ+ Agenda"
The “LGBTQ+ Agenda” (also known as the “Trans Agenda” or “Gay Agenda”) is a baseless conspiracy theory alleging that the LGBTQ+ rights movement is in actuality a sinister plot by left-wing political, educational and media institutions, in... Read more

Originally an academic term for the phenomena of gender dysphoria, the term “transgenderism” has been co-opted by anti-trans activists to characterize being transgender as an ideology rather than an innate identity. By using the term “transgenderism” instead... Read more
Cultural Marxism
“Cultural Marxism” is a term used typically by right-wing ideologues to attack an array of ideas and concepts they oppose, including multiculturalism, globalism, feminism and LGBTQ+ rights, among others. The term often functions as an antisemitic dog... Read more