Minadeo gives Hitler salute after livestreaming a clip of Hamas violence. (October 8, 2023)
White supremacist leaders are openly celebrating Hamas’s attack on Israel, cheering explicit depictions of violence against Israelis and promoting expanded violence against Jews worldwide.
During his Sunday night livestream, Goyim Defense League (GDL) leader Jon Minadeo effused as he played clip after clip of violent kidnappings, assaults and murders perpetrated by Hamas terrorists in Israel.
As the gore played out onscreen, Minadeo laughed, danced, snacked and cheered, “Wow, this is awesome. This is awesome man! I’m so stoked!” and “Come on guys, it’s time to dance! Get those Jews!” As a video showed terrorists stomping the face of a dead Israeli Defense Force soldier, Minadeo responded, “Oh nice. Oh wow. Yeah, this is what you get, you terroristic Jew piece of shit.” Minadeo also yelled, “Let’s go Lebanon, Iran! Wipe Israel off the map! Let’s go! This is awesome.”
Addressing his audience he said, “You guys, one day in the near future, when Americans wake up, this is what’s going to be happening. I think we’ve got a better scenario to be honest. Let’s do this! Let’s do this! I am so pumped up! This is what I love! I love the Jews getting hit!” At the end of the show Minadeo said, “Now is the time to strike,” adding that GDL would be creating an anti-Israel flier for distribution.
On October 8, white supremacist Matthew Parrott, co-founder of the now defunct Traditionalist Worker Party, posted a Substack article, “Party’s Over: Free Palestine” in which he argued that the attack on Israel was not unprovoked. “Breaking out of a concentration camp to attack your guards is the very opposite of ‘unprovoked,’ he wrote, continuing, “I stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. It’s one struggle. Jews are welcome to join in too, on the precondition that they cease and desist their genocidal campaigns. Free Palestine.”
Christopher Pohlhaus, leader of the neo-Nazi Blood Tribe took to Telegram October 8 writing, “Thoroughly enjoying the show in Israel over the past days.” A staunch supporter of Ukraine, whose fighters he describes as “our racial Brothers,” Pohlhaus expressed irritation over the “immediate bipartisan support and action” for Israel compared to “almost complete republican [sic] opposition” for Ukrainian aid. Also on October 8, the neo-Nazi group Natsoc Florida posted an image of an apparently freshly screen-printed “Fuck Israel” t-shirt with the caption, “I've been cranking these out all day. The Israeli people deserve zero sympathy. Fuck Israel. They deserve everything that is happening to them right now. I sincerely hope that Hezbollah and the Taliban are able to make it to the fight."
On October 8, a group of individuals associated with the white supremacist White Lives Matter California posted an image of themselves on Telegram holding a “No More Wars for Israel” banner.
"No more wars for Israel" is a longstanding antisemitic slogan embraced and used primarily by antisemites on the far right such as white supremacists. The slogan implies that Jews/Israel effectively control U.S. foreign policy, and that U.S. military involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere has been solely or primarily for the benefit of Israel.