Christopher Pohlhaus
Christopher Pohlhaus, aka Hammer, is a former U.S. Marine turned tattoo artist and leader of the neo-Nazi group "Blood Tribe." In 2020, while living in San Antonio, Texas, Pohlhaus grew an online following by selling white supremacist propaganda materials and gear, and through video-podcasts. In these podcasts, Pohlhaus lectured followers about fitness and encouraged them to participate in “a last stand, a righteous war” against those who “call for the destruction of their birthright and posterity.” As his following grew, Pohlhaus began to refer to them as the “Blood Tribe.” By 2021, as Pohlhaus networked with other white supremacist groups and recruited members, the Blood Tribe evolved into a membership-based organization. In May 2022, Pohlhaus moved from Texas to Maine and purchased 10 acres of land that he is developing into an encampment where like-minded white supremacists can gather and live. In 2023, Pohlhaus and Blood Tribe members began participating in anti-LGBTQ+ protests. At such protests, Pohlhaus has led members of the Blood Tribe, dressed in red and black uniforms bearing the group's symbol and flying a large swastika flag, in aggressive chants in front of a large banner reading "There will be blood."