Thomas Dalton

Thomas Dalton, likely a pseudonym, is an author with numerous Holocaust denial works. Like some other deniers, Dalton initially soft-peddled his beliefs when he framed his 2009 book as a presentation of the “debate” over the Holocaust’s historicity. Since then, however, he has emerged as an unbridled antisemite and Holocaust denier, including by suggesting that “Jews caused World War Two.” He refutes that there was a master plan to murder Jews and claims only 500,000 died at the hands of the Nazis.

His books include The Jewish Hand in the World Wars and Debating the Holocaust, and he has edited and/or provided introductions and commentary for numerous editions of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and other antisemitic works. He is a frequent contributor to antisemitic and Holocaust denial publications such as The Barnes Review and the Occidental Observer.

In his words:

  • “The days of the ‘6 million’ are numbered, and I suspect that Goldman, Goldstein, and friends know it. When that crumbles, so too collapses what little remains of Jewish credibility. When the orthodox Holocaust story goes down, the dominoes may well begin to fall. And when that happens, all bets are off.”  - 2021 article in the Occidental Observer detailing an alleged conspiracy about the Jasenovac camp in Croatia.
  • “Compensation money, arising directly from the conventional Holocaust story, in turn flows back to sustain it. Restitution money buys political clout, where—in the US at least—it ends up as campaign contributions and issue ads. It encourages lawmakers to legislate in support of Israel and against revisionism—and they do.” - Debating the Holocaust, 2015 Edition
  • “If we can be misled—or fooled, or deceived, or lied to—about the Holocaust, what other events might we be misled about? The same social forces that could give rise to and sustain a deficient

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