Terrorgram is a decentralized network of white supremacist, neo-Nazi and accelerationist groups, influencers and meme pages with the collective goal of promoting stochastic terrorism and inspiring individuals to conduct either group-oriented or “lone wolf” terror attacks. The network exists largely on the encrypted social networking app, Telegram, from which it derives its name. An inner circle of Terrorgram propagandists, self-referred to as the Terrorgram collective, create and disseminate zine-style digital publications called the Terrorgram publications, which contain instructional manuals and creative works of fiction designed to inspire acts of violence against individuals and acts of sabotage against critical infrastructure. Juraj Krajcik, a white supremacist who killed one man and one non-binary person outside of a gay bar in Slovakia in 2022, credited the Terrorgram collective in his manifesto. One of the most influential aspects of Terrorgram is its propagation of accelerationist “Saints culture,” in which white supremacist terrorists are hailed as “Saints” and their actions are glorified by the community.
In September 2024, federal authorities arrested Matthew Allison of Boise, Idaho and Dallas Humber of Elk Grove, California for their alleged leadership in the Terrorgram Collective. In January 2025, the United States designated the Terrorgram Collective and three of its foreign-based leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.