Stop Zionist Hate

Stop Zionist Hate (SZH) is an online network that uses its influence, particularly on X (formerly Twitter), to promote extreme anti-Israel and anti-Zionist views. Frequently, the network elevates hateful tropes about Jews and Zionists, including posts that deny the Holocaust, call for the eradication of Zionism in the U.S. and target Jewish individuals. They often engage with and publicly defend overt antisemites. Stop Zionist Hate has had at least two affiliate groups/accounts: Raven Mission, who accepts “incident reports” and posts information about supposedly Zionist individuals on its website, and TruWire, a “news wire” source to counteract what they call “fake news.” 

On March 12, 2024, Stop Zionist Hate announced on X that they would be taking a break from their efforts, stating that they planned “to fight Zionism in different capacities in the future.”

Stop Zionist Hate

This database provides an overview of many of the terms and individuals used by or associated with movements and groups that subscribe to and/or promote extremist or hateful ideologies.