
Samidoun-Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, is a self-described solidarity network for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. Founded in late 2011, it emerged from a coordinated hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners led by The Popular Front for The Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Samidoun is an international organization with chapters in Europe, the United Kingdom, Canada and the US. It was designated as a terror organization by Israel in 2021 and banned from operating in Germany in October 2023.

Samidoun is a fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justice, an Arizona-based organization that serves as a fiscal sponsor to several progressive and left-wing initiatives, seeking to “achieve social change and economic justice by helping to build a stronger more unified grassroots movement.”

Samidoun’s explicit support for those convicted of or accused of terrorism and acts related to terrorism such as Walid Daqqah and Rasmeah Odeh have made it one of the more extreme groups within the Palestinian solidarity activist movement.

The group also campaigns on behalf of Palestinian activists imprisoned or arrested in Western countries, including those convicted for alleged involvement with organizations implicated in terrorist activity or "direct actions" for Palestinians.

Extreme anti-Zionist rhetoric, including calls to eradicate Zionism, and explicit support for “armed resistance” are core features of Samidoun events and advocacy.

Its organizational activities center on campaigns for the release of Palestinian prisoners, which often include protests, webinars, and other "outreach events, often co-organized with other anti-Zionist groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine, Black Alliance for Peace, US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), Palestinian Youth Movement and Party for Socialism and Liberation.


This database provides an overview of many of the terms and individuals used by or associated with movements and groups that subscribe to and/or promote extremist or hateful ideologies.