Bishop Richard Williamson

Bishop Williamson is an English traditionalist Catholic bishop who, for decades, has shared antisemitic beliefs and denied the Holocaust. He has described Jews as “God’s enemies” and praised prominent Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson as a “real hero” due to his denial. Williamson’s Holocaust denial drew international headlines in 2009 following the broadcast of an interview he gave to a Swedish television program in which he denied that millions of Jews were killed in the Holocaust as well as the use of gas chambers; he was later convicted by a German court of defaming the memory of the dead for these statements.  Williamson was expelled from the Society of St. Pius X in 2012 and excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 2015. He continues to lead a radical wing of the Traditionalist Catholic movement and regularly peppers his sermons with additional antisemitism and conspiracy theories.

In his words:

  • “Hitler allegedly killed six million Jews. It’s untrue. It’s just not true. It’s a fabrication. That so-called Holocaust is, quite simply, fabrication.” - Conference on “Rerum Novarum,” England, 2021
  • “Now the [Jewish] people who hold world-wide power today over politics and the media are people who want the godless New World Order, and they fully understand George Orwell. Therefore they have fabricated a hugely false version of World War Two history to go with a complete fabricated religion to replace Christianity.” - Eleison Comments newsletter, 2018
  • “I believe there were no gas chambers…I think that two to three hundred thousand Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, but…none of them by a gas chamber.” - Interview on “Uppdrag Granskning,” 2009 (recorded in 2008)
Bishop Richard Williamson

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