612 Results

Samuel Woodward
Sean Michael Gillesp…

Nationalist Network
The Nationalist Network is a small, Arizona-based white supremacist group. Formed in the spring of 2022, the group’s primary activities include livestreaming and soliciting donations from followers while their members speak about and engage with bystanders on... Read more
White supremacist accelerationism is a school of thought within some segments of the white supremacist movement (primarily neo-Nazi and alt-right white supremacists) that argues that, because white supremacists seem unable to reform or reshape modern society to... Read more

National Socialist R…
The National Socialist Resistance Front (NSRF) was a short-lived neo-Nazi accelerationist group that was formed in September 2022, and officially dissolved in November 2024. NSRF was founded as an offshoot of the National Socialist Organization (NSO), with... Read more

David Duke
David Duke is a white supremacist and antisemite who has been actively spreading hate for over 40 years, including Holocaust denial. Duke is a founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and was instrumental... Read more

Terrorgram is a decentralized network of white supremacist, neo-Nazi and accelerationist groups, influencers and meme pages with the collective goal of promoting stochastic terrorism and inspiring individuals to conduct either group-oriented or “lone wolf” terror attacks... Read more

Willis Carto
Willis Carto (1926-2015) was one of the most virulent antisemitic propagandists in the U.S. in the second half of the twentieth century. After emerging as a right-wing organizer in San Francisco in the early 1950s, he was... Read more

Paul Fromm
Paul Fromm is a Canadian white supremacist with ties to a myriad American white supremacist and Holocaust denial groups. He runs the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which defends racists, antisemites and Holocaust deniers from prosecution under... Read more