722 Results

National Socialism
National Socialism refers to the ideology of the Nazi Party of Germany from 1920-1945, centered around the primacy of a mythic Aryan people whose destiny would be secured by a unified authoritarian ethnostate. As envisioned by Adolf... Read more

Romana Didulo
Romana Didulo is a Canadian QAnon figure who falsely claims to be the "Queen of Canada." She has frequently called for violent action online, especially against individuals involved in administrating Covid-19 vaccines to children. Didulo has frequently... Read more

RWDS/Right Wing Deat…
The term "right-wing death squad" (or “RWDS”) is typically a generic expression of far-right sentiment and may be used by white supremacists or other types of right-wing extremists.
The phrase first emerged in the 1970s and 80s... Read more
There's Q and there'…
Reawaken America Tour