128 Results

David Duke
David Duke is a white supremacist and antisemite who has been actively spreading hate for over 40 years, including Holocaust denial. Duke is a founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and was instrumental... Read more

Willis Carto
Willis Carto (1926-2015) was one of the most virulent antisemitic propagandists in the U.S. in the second half of the twentieth century. After emerging as a right-wing organizer in San Francisco in the early 1950s, he was... Read more

Paul Fromm
Paul Fromm is a Canadian white supremacist with ties to a myriad American white supremacist and Holocaust denial groups. He runs the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which defends racists, antisemites and Holocaust deniers from prosecution under... Read more

Arthur Jones
Arthur Jones is an Illinois-based neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who has repeatedly and unsuccessfully run for elected office since the 1970s, including for an Illinois House seat in 2018. His campaign website for his House run included... Read more

Burt Colucci
Burt Colucci is a Florida-based neo-Nazi who took over the leadership of the National Socialist Movement when the group's longtime leader Jeff Schoep left the movement in 2019.
Richard Holzer
Richard Holzer is a white supremacist who plotted to bomb a Colorado synagogue in 2019. He also encouraged acts of violence against Jews and the Latin American community and frequently posted on online channels about killing his... Read more

Ryan J. Murdough
Ryan J. Murdough is a New Hampshire-based white supremacist who founded the New England White Network in 2022. Murdough has been involved with a range of now-defunct white supremacist groups including North East White Pride, National Socialist... Read more