Paul Fromm
Paul Fromm is a Canadian white supremacist with ties to a myriad American white supremacist and Holocaust denial groups. He runs the Canadian Association for Free Expression, which defends racists, antisemites and Holocaust deniers from prosecution under hate crime legislation. While working as a public school teacher, footage surfaced of him at a Heritage Front event in December 1990 standing in front of a Nazi flag shouting “Sieg Heil!,” and “white power” while performing the Nazi salute.
In His Words:
- “[The] story of the ‘Holocaust’ has been used to induce false guilt in Europeans and North Americans. This story has allowed the Jews to acquire many billions of dollars in reparations from Germany and other countries. It has also made many people in Europe and North America ready to overlook Israeli atrocities and brutality….” - Mehr News Agency, December 24, 2006
- “The Holocaust is a selfish story serving the political and economic interests of the Zionists. Hollywood, extensively controlled by Zionists, pumps out endless propaganda films about the Holocaust….[The Holocaust] allows special treatment of Jews in mot Western countries. It allows Jews to have disproportionate control of the media and the economy in Western countries.…” - Mehr News Agency, December 24, 2006