272 Results

"Gender Ideology"
“Gender ideology” (also known as “LGBTQ+ ideology”) is a conspiratorial phrase coined by anti-LGBTQ+ activists and extremists to characterize attempts to achieve LGBTQ+ rights or representation as an extreme ideology or even part of a nefarious left-wing... Read more

Originally an academic term for the phenomena of gender dysphoria, the term “transgenderism” has been co-opted by anti-trans activists to characterize being transgender as an ideology rather than an innate identity. By using the term “transgenderism” instead... Read more

Inverted Red Triangl…
In early November 2023, the inverted red triangle emerged as a symbol that in certain cases can signify support for violent Palestinian resistance against Israel. It is used both offline and online, sometimes in the form of... Read more
Cultural Marxism
“Cultural Marxism” is a term used typically by right-wing ideologues to attack an array of ideas and concepts they oppose, including multiculturalism, globalism, feminism and LGBTQ+ rights, among others. The term often functions as an antisemitic dog... Read more