19 Results
"George Soros" consp…

Great Replacement / …
"The Great Replacement" conspiracy theory made significant headway into the mainstream in 2021. The theory alleges that people of color are "replacing" white people through immigration, birth rates and other economic, social and political means. While the... Read more
Holocaust Denial
Kalergi Plan

Gilad Atzmon

9/11 Conspiracy Theo…
Conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks have become a propaganda industry and attempt to place blame for the attacks on perpetrators other than Al Qaeda, including the U.S. government. Prominent among such 9/11 conspiracy theories are those... Read more

"LGBTQ+ Agenda"
The “LGBTQ+ Agenda” (also known as the “Trans Agenda” or “Gay Agenda”) is a baseless conspiracy theory alleging that the LGBTQ+ rights movement is in actuality a sinister plot by left-wing political, educational and media institutions, in... Read more