25 Results

ACAB stands for "All Cops Are Bastards" and is a slogan of long standing in the skinhead subculture. Because non-racist skinheads may use this acronym as well as racist skinheads, it should be carefully judged in the context in which it appears.

AKIA is Ku Klux Klan shorthand for "A Klansman I Am." It is related to another Klan acronym, AYAK ("Are You A Klansman?"). These are among the many acronyms developed by the Second Ku Klux Klan that emerged in 1915. Although the Second Ku Klux Klan did not survive, much of its terminology and many of its rituals did, and later Klan groups freely used them. Additional Images:

AYAK is Ku Klux Klan shorthand for "Are You A Klansman?" It is related to another Klan acronym, AKIA ("A Klansman I Am"). These are among the many acronyms developed by the Second Ku Klux Klan that emerged in 1915. Although the Second Ku Klux Klan did not survive, much of its terminology and many of its rituals did, and later Klan groups have freely used them. Additional Images:

ALTERNATE NAMES: For God, Race and NationFGRN is a Ku Klux Klan acronym for "For God, Race and Nation," a common Klan slogan. It is one of a number of slogans, codes and rituals created by the Second Ku Klux Klan in the early 20th century. That Klan did not survive, but many of its codes and rituals were adopted by later Klan groups. In acronym form, the slogan is used primarily as a Klan identifier, typically appended at the end of on-line messages and postings. Additional Images:
ALTERNATE NAMES: For God, Race and Nation
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GTKRWN is an acronym for a racist and antisemitic slogan created by white supremacists: “Gas the Kikes; Race War Now.”
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HFFH is an acronym used by the Hammerskins, a large racist skinhead gang. It stands for "Hammerskins Forever, Forever Hammerskins," a format probably adopted from biker gangs. Additional Images:

Group Status: Active
HSN is an acronym used by the Hammerskins, a large racist skinhead gang. It stands for "Hammerskin Nation," which is a collective reference to the various regional Hammerskin gangs such as the Confederate Hammerskins, Western Hammerskins, etc. Additional Images:

ITSUB is a Ku Klux Klan acronym for "In The Sacred Unfailing Being," a reference to God. It is one of many Klan acronyms created by the Second Ku Klux Klan that emerged in 1915. That Klan did not survive, but subsequent Ku Klux Klan groups continued many of its rituals and codes. Today, ITSUB has no real meaning or particular purpose and is typically used by Klan group members in on-line messages or posts solely as a way to identify themselves with the Ku Klux Klan. This has been the fate of a…

KABARK is a Ku Klux Klan acronym for "Konstantly Applied By All Regular Klansmen." It is one of many acronyms and codes developed by the Second Ku Klux Klan in the early 20th century. The Second Ku Klux Klan did not survive, but later Klan groups continued many of its codes and rituals. Today, KABARK is essentially meaningless and only used as a "sign off" in on-line messages by Klan group members, along with several other similar archaic acronyms. Additional Images:

KIGY is Ku Klux Klan shorthand for "Klansman I Greet You." It is one of many acronyms developed by the Second Ku Klux Klan that emerged in 1915. Although the Second Ku Klux Klan did not survive, much of its terminology and many of its rituals did, and later Klan groups freely used them. Additional Images:

KLASP is a Ku Klux Klan acronym for "Klannish Loyalty, A Sacred Principle." It is one of many Klan acronyms created by the Second Ku Klux Klan that emerged in 1915. That Klan did not survive, but subsequent Ku Klux Klan groups continued many of its rituals and codes. Today, KLASP has no real meaning or particular purpose and is typically used by Klan group members in on-line messages or posts solely as a way to identify themselves with the Ku Klux Klan. This has been the fate of a number of…

LOTIE is a Ku Klux Klan abbreviation for a "Lady Of The Invisible Empire," i.e., a female Klan member. It is one of many codes, phrases and rituals created by the Second Ku Klux Klan in the early 20th century. The Second Klan did not survive, but later Klan groups adopted many such codes and rituals, including LOTIE. Additional Images:

OFOF is an acronym for the slogan "One Front, One Family," utilized primarily by the white supremacist group Volksfront.
ALTERNATE NAMES: One Front One Family
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ALTERNATE NAMES: Our Race Is Our Nation"Our Race Is Our Nation" or "ORION" is a racist slogan proclaiming that racial ties are paramount to all else, transcending national borders or boundaries. Within the United States, for example, a white supremacist might use it to suggest that he or she owes allegiance to his or her race, rather than to the United States itself. In an international context, white supremacists use it to suggest that all "white" people, from Europe or the United States or…
ALTERNATE NAMES: Our Race Is Our Nation
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RAHOWA is an acronym for "Racial Holy War," a term created by the Creativity Movement, a white supremacist pseudo-religion, as a rallying cry for the white supremacist cause.

ROA is an acronym for the white supremacist slogan "Race Over All," popularized by the neo-Nazi/racist skinhead gang Volksfront. Additional Images:

White supremacy and the SS Bolts. Find out the history of the neo-Nazi SS Bolts, and the current usage of one of the most powerful hate symbols in history.
ALTERNATE NAMES: Cracker Bolts, SS Lightning Bolts, Lightning Bolts
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ALTERNATE NAMES: Supreme White PowerSWP is an acronym for the white supremacist slogan "Supreme White Power." It seems to have originated on the West Coast, probably in California's prison system, though it has spread from there. Supreme White Power and SWP are both common prison tattoos. One popular version displays the words "Supreme White Power" in a circle around a swastika made up of battle-axes. Usually, below the swastika is a Viking ship. Additional Images:
ALTERNATE NAMES: Supreme White Power
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TND and TKD are abbreviations for (respectively) racist and antisemitic slogans referring to the mass death or killing of Black people and Jews.

The United Society of Aryan Skinheads (USA) is a white supremacist gang active in the prisons and on the streets. Although it originated in Oregon, it is essentially based in California. USAS members primarily use one or more of three symbols: the white power fist, the Valknot, and bindrunes.