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Alternate Names: Totally Nice Day, Totally Kind Day
TND and TKD are abbreviations for (respectively) racist and antisemitic slogans referring to the mass death or killing of Black people and Jews: “Total N***** Death” and “Total Kike Death.” The slogans and their acronyms emerged on the internet in the late 2010s, with some sources pointing to the imageboard 4chan as the original appearance location. By the early 2020s, the terms had become popular on various internet platforms and forums, especially TikTok, where their usage spread further.
Today, these bigoted phrases and acronyms are widely used by white supremacists and others with racist or antisemitic beliefs. Users often employ the acronym forms of the phrases as in-references or to avoid moderation and deletion.
As usage of these terms spread, others quickly adapted the format to express their own particular prejudices and hatreds, with common variations on the theme including TJD/Total Jew Death, TFD/Total Fag Death, TAD/Total Arab Death, TMD/Total Migrant Death (also Total Muslim Death), TZD/Total Zionist Death, TGD/Total Gypsy Death, TTD/Total Trans Death, TCD/Total Commie Death (also Total Christian Death), and TPD/Total Pedo Death, among others.
Users of such bigoted terms have also created alternative ways to phrase the sentiments, with the most common being the “Totally [x] Day” variant, in which TND becomes “Totally Nice Day” or “Totally Normal Day,” TJD becomes “Totally Joyful Day,” TKD is changed to “Totally Kind Day,” and TFD is changed to “Totally Fantastic Day” or “Totally Fabulous Day.” Some users derive humor from posting seemingly innocuous phrases that actually are expressions of violent bigotry; users often also use them to avoid moderation.
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