Vincent James (Vincent James Foxx)
This database provides an overview of many of the terms and individuals used by or associated with movements and groups that subscribe to and/or promote extremist or hateful ideologies.
Other terms tagged with White supremacist
National Socialist R…
The National Socialist Resistance Front (NSRF) was a short-lived neo-Nazi accelerationist group that was formed in September 2022, and officially dissolved in November 2024. NSRF was founded as an offshoot of the National Socialist Organization (NSO), with... Read more
Wolves of Vinland
Wolves of Vinland (WoV) is a white supremacist, Norse Pagan group based outside of Lynchburg, Virginia. WoV members, known as “wolves,” combine worship of Norse gods with their belief in inherent Aryan superiority. The group was founded... Read more
Injekt Division
Injekt Division is a decentralized white supremacist accelerationist group with small, localized cells that spread their hateful propaganda online and through the distribution of stickers and flyers. In 2024, activity from the group has been largely confined... Read more
Raven Folk United
Raven Folk United (RFU) is a neo-Volkish/Norse pagan white supremacist group based primarily in the western United States. RFU was formed by several former members of the Asatru Folk Assembly in 2023. Although the group claims... Read more