Kyle Chapman
Kyle Chapman, aka "Based Stickman," is a former member of the Proud Boys who was denounced by the group after he launched a failed coup in the fall of 2020 seeking to make the Proud Boys a more overtly white supremacist organization. While a member of the Proud Boys, he created the now-defunct subgroup "Fraternal Order of the Alt-Knights," or "FOAK," formed in 2017 to serve as the "tactical defense arm" of the Proud Boys. Chapman has a criminal history that includes felony assault with a deadly weapon. Chapman earned his nickname after a rally in Berkeley, California in March 2017, where he was pictured attacking a counter-protester with a large stick. Chapman left the Proud Boys in 2017 and with his departure, FOAK also ceased. He tried to re-join the group in 2020, but was denied membership. Despite this denial, he attempted a coup, which failed.