
The Fresnecks are a white supremacist street gang primarily based in Fresno, California. They have a strong presence in the California prison system and are heavily influenced by and aligned with the Aryan Brotherhood. One possible identifier of gang membership is having the word “Fresneck” tattooed either on one’s neck or the back of one’s head. Members have also been known to get tattoos of the “F” logo appropriated from the Famous Stars & Straps clothing company. Originally called the Highly Insane Criminals, the gang started as a street tagging (graffiti) crew which included both white and Latino men. However, the Aryan Brotherhood sent out a directive condemning this inter-racial group, prompting the two races to split and form individual groups: the Fresnecks (whites) and the Bulldogs (Latino). Members of the Fresnecks have been involved in wide variety of criminal activity including robberies, drug offenses, witness intimidation, identity theft and murder. Of the 29 extremist-related killings in 2021, one murder was committed by a member of the Fresnecks.

This database provides an overview of many of the terms and individuals used by or associated with movements and groups that subscribe to and/or promote extremist or hateful ideologies.