675 Results

National Socialism
National Socialism refers to the ideology of the Nazi Party of Germany from 1920-1945, centered around the primacy of a mythic Aryan people whose destiny would be secured by a unified authoritarian ethnostate. As envisioned by Adolf... Read more

The Barnes Review (T…
The Barnes Review is a historical “revisionist” magazine that has promoted Holocaust denial and antisemitism since its founding in the 1990s by antisemitic propagandist Willis Carto. It is still in circulation and continues to regularly advertise Holocaust... Read more

Alison Chabloz
Alison Chabloz is a UK-based antisemite and Holocaust denier. In 2018, she was convicted of two counts of sending an offensive, indecent or menacing message through a public communications network and a third charge relating to a... Read more

Empire State Stormer…
Empire State Stormers (ESS) is a small, localized crew of antisemites, neo-Nazis and white supremacists who have crossover membership and affiliation with the Goyim Defense League network, the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement and the Aryan Freedom Network... Read more