Civil Peace Flag/Civ…
The civil peace flag, also known as the civil flag of peacetime or flag of peace, is a flag commonly used by sovereign citizens, who believe it is the original and legitimate flag of the United... Read more
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The civil peace flag, also known as the civil flag of peacetime or flag of peace, is a flag commonly used by sovereign citizens, who believe it is the original and legitimate flag of the United... Read more
Died Suddenly is a 2022 anti-Covid-19 vaccine film produced by far-right conspiracy theorist Stew Peters. It promotes the baseless theory that Covid-19 vaccines are causing healthy individuals to develop deadly blood clots, suggesting this is proof that... Read more
Inconvenient History is a quarterly journal published by the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH). Launched in 2009, Inconvenient History presents pseudo-academic articles about the Holocaust and World War II more broadly. These articles frequently... Read more
The American Futurist is an online accelerationist media platform run primarily by several former members of Atomwaffen Division, a now-defunct neo-Nazi accelerationist group. The platform was originally founded in 2020 by members of the National Socialist... Read more
The Barnes Review is a historical “revisionist” magazine that has promoted Holocaust denial and antisemitism since its founding in the 1990s by antisemitic propagandist Willis Carto. It is still in circulation and continues to regularly advertise Holocaust... Read more