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ACAB stands for "All Cops Are Bastards" and is a slogan of long standing in the skinhead subculture. Because non-racist skinheads may use this acronym as well as racist skinheads, it should be carefully judged in the context in which it appears.

HFFH is an acronym used by the Hammerskins, a large racist skinhead gang. It stands for "Hammerskins Forever, Forever Hammerskins," a format probably adopted from biker gangs. Additional Images:

ROA is an acronym for the white supremacist slogan "Race Over All," popularized by the neo-Nazi/racist skinhead gang Volksfront. Additional Images:

ALTERNATE NAMES: Supreme White PowerSWP is an acronym for the white supremacist slogan "Supreme White Power." It seems to have originated on the West Coast, probably in California's prison system, though it has spread from there. Supreme White Power and SWP are both common prison tattoos. One popular version displays the words "Supreme White Power" in a circle around a swastika made up of battle-axes. Usually, below the swastika is a Viking ship. Additional Images:
ALTERNATE NAMES: Supreme White Power
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WP is an acronym for the common white supremacist chant "White Power." In some contexts, WP may refer to "White Pride" instead.

WPWW is a common white supremacist acronym that stands for "White Pride World Wide." The phrase is used as part of the logo for Stormfront, the largest white supremacist website on the Internet, which accounts for its widespread use by white supremacists. Additional Images:

The phrase “You Will Not Replace Us” is a white supremacist slogan referring to the common White supremacist belief that the white race is in danger of going extinct due to rising numbers of non-White people who are controlled and manipulated by Jews. It may also be seen in acronym form as YWNRU.
ALTERNATE NAMES: YWNRU, Jews Will Not Replace Us

ZOG is a white supremacist acronym for "Zionist Occupied Government," which reflects the common white supremacist belief that the U.S. government is controlled by Jews. This has resulted in white supremacist slogans such as "Smash ZOG," "Kill ZOG, or "Death to ZOG." Additional Images: