The phrase “Diversity = White Genocide” is a white supremacist slogan coined by disciples of Bob Whitaker, a former Republican congressional aide and Reagan administration appointee who later embraced white supremacy and began writing for neo-Nazi publications. Whitaker emphasized the tactic of adopting simple slogans and endlessly repeating them; his followers took him at his word, making up several slogans and promoting them constantly.
The first such slogan was “Anti-racist is a code for anti-white,” but the similar phrase “Diversity is a code word for white genocide” soon followed. Eventually some shortened the phrase to “Diversity = White Genocide,” while others created variants, such as “Diversity means chasing down the last white person.” Tree of Life synagogue shooter Robert Bowers, among others, have used the phrase; Bowers included it in one of his posts to the social media platform Gab.
As the phrase “white genocide” itself has become more popular among white supremacists in recent years, “Diversity = White Genocide” and its variants have also become more common.
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