The number 109 is white supremacist numeric shorthand for an antisemitic claim that Jews have been expelled from 109 different countries. Various antisemites have compiled lists of alleged Jewish “expulsions” ranging from 100 to more than 1,000 in number, but the figure of 109 is the most commonly cited and probably originates with a list of “109 locations” appearing on a longstanding Australian antisemitic website.
Antisemites use this purported figure to claim that Jews must be a malicious and harmful people to have been expelled from so many places; they also use the figure to call for the expulsion of Jews from countries where they currently live.
The concept of 109 expulsions has also led to frequent use of the number 110 by white supremacists, generally to urge that the United States or some other specific location be the next and 110th place to expel Jews. This is sometimes combined with the numeric code 1488, appearing as “1488-110.” Such usage is often associated with members of the white supremacist group League of the South.
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