
White Supremacist Protester at Sanders Rally; New ADL Guide to Antisemitism Shared with Political Leaders; Possible Antisemitic Trope by Fox News Host

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March 13, 2020


A guide to contemporary antisemitism was released this week by ADL and disseminated to political candidates running for national office. At a rally for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, a white supremacist unfurled a Nazi flag and performed a Nazi salute before being escorted off the premises. And a host on Fox News conjured up an antisemitic trope in his description of Michael Bloomberg as a “puppet master” controlling fellow Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate and the latest info about ADL from around the country.

1. Nazi Flag Unfurled at Rally for Bernie Sanders

“Shortly after Sanders took the stage for a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, on Thursday (March 5), the cheering crowd descended into boos when a man in the stands unfurled a Nazi flag. The man then reportedly performed a Nazi salute and shouted anti-Jewish slurs before being escorted off the premises by security forces.” Religion News Service: FULL STORY

+ ADL Identifies White Supremacist Behind Nazi Flag at Sanders Rally

2. ADL Publishes Antisemitism Guide for Candidates, Media

“Each chapter of the guide addresses a well-known antisemitic trope, including that Jews have too much power, are disloyal, killed Jesus, and use Christian blood in religious rituals. The guide also addresses Holocaust denial, anti-Zionism and the delegitimization of Israel.” JTA: READ MORE

+ READ: Antisemitism Uncovered – A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era

+ READ: Jonathan Greenblatt’s Op-Ed in the Forward

3. Fox News Host for Using ‘Antisemitic Trope’ to Describe Michael Bloomberg

“The Anti-Defamation League criticized a Fox News host for calling Michael Bloomberg a ‘puppet master,’ saying the comments play into stereotypes about Jewish power… In a letter to Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott, Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL’s CEO, said the term puppet master echoes longstanding antisemitic tropes.” JTA: FULL STORY

+ READ: Letter to Fox News Channel on Use of Antisemitic Tropes