Group Status: Legacy (the group is no longer active but some symbols may remain as tattoos, graffiti, etc.)
The Aryan Terror Brigade is a racist skinhead group formed in 2009 that today has members in the United States, South America and Europe, though it is not very large. Much of the group's activities take place over the Internet, though members do sometimes engage in real world activities, mostly in the mid-Atlantic states. The logo of the group appears in the form of a Waffen SS divisional insignia outline, with a man's head and a gun, a wreath, and the initials ATB inside the outline. The shield has black, white, and red stripes (the colors of the Nazi flag). Because the Aryan Terror Brigade claims an association with Combat 18, the British white supremacist group, it also uses symbols connected with that group, such as references to C-18 or numeric variations thereof (such as 318 and 8318).
Many of the group's core members were arrested on drug and weapons charges in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 2017, crippling the gang, at least in the United States.
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