Alma and How She Got Her Name

Author(s) Juana Martinez-Neal
Age Group 4-8
Publisher Candlewick
ISBN 978-0763693558
Year 2018
Alma and How She Got Her Name Book Cover

If you ask her, Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela has way too many names: six! How did such a small person wind up with such a large name? Alma turns to Daddy for an answer and learns of Sofia, the grandmother who loved books and flowers; Esperanza, the great-grandmother who longed to travel; José, the grandfather who was an artist; and other namesakes, too. As she hears the story of her name, Alma starts to think it might be a perfect fit after all — and realizes that she will one day have her own story to tell. 

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Alma and How She Got Her Name Book Cover